Showing posts with label Pocomoke History. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pocomoke History. Show all posts

Saturday, April 20, 2024

When Pocomoke Was Young- A continuing weekly feature.


(Chapter flow:)




















Note:  In duplicating this material for publishing on The Pocomoke Public Eye we have made minor adjustments to correct some of the spelling, punctuation, etc. We believe the errors were not in Rev. Murray's original writing but occurred in the process of formatting the material to a digital format for viewing online.


Again, the dance was a favorite source of social enter- 
tainment in the early history of New Town. There were 
three classes of characters, which I shall describe, partici- 
pating in this amusement. First, the first citizens of the 
town engaged in it. Sometimes it was the result of a 
wedding, a cotton picking, quilting, or it may have been a 
special dancing party. I am not now describing the balls 
held at hotels where a gentleman and lady could enter by 
paying the entrance fee, but social dances held at private 
houses for amusement. The host and hostess would pro- 
vide such things as wines, liquors, candies, cake and 
tropical fruit to make the entertainment as enjoyable as 
possible. The invited guests would assemble after candle 
light. They were composed chiefly of single persons, but 
sometimes there would be a small sprinkling of married 
ones also. An expert fiddler would be engaged. All 
things being ready and the parties on the floor, the fiddler 
having his fiddle well tuned, would draw his bow at full 
length, when a feeling of exhilaration would go through 
the room like electricity. The parties now engaged in a 
four or eight-handed reel. Oh! what a fine time there 
was. The cotillions, waltzing, capering, parties passing 
each other on the floor, crossing and around the room, 
cutting the pigeon wing, etc. After that reel was over the 
hat would be passed around to take a collection for the 
fiddler, for that was the way he was paid for his services. 
Then another party would be made up and after the dance 
the hat was passed around again, and so the night was 
spent till or near the break of day. When they would get 
weary and faint they would keep their spirits up by  
pouring spirits down. At such places of hilarity many a young 
lady's heart and hand has been wooed in marriage. 

Secondly. The lower class of society in the country, 
both of men and women, would attend the holidays in 
New Town. On those occasions they assembled at the 
hotels and engaged in the dance, and some of the same 
order of men in New Town would participate with them. 
It would be a novel sight at the present day to see such a 
gathering of men and women at a hotel engaged in a 
regular hoe down, such as was practiced then. 

Thirdly. This class would be the colored people. They 
would assemble in town from all the surrounding country. 
They would construct booths on the hill or public square, 
in which they would have for sale cakes, candies, cider, 
beer and tropical fruits. They would have all sorts of 
jollity, boxing, wrestling, pitching quoits, dancing after the 
riddle and pattywhack. This word pattywhack of itself 
is unmeaning, hence I shall be under the necessity of 
explaining the process of the dance in this way. The 
company would be in the open air on the hill. The leader 
in this amusement would pat with his hands and stamp 
with his foot while the rest would dance. The leader 
would use some outlandish expression in song, such as the 
following : 

"Juber up and Juber down, 
Juber all around de town." 

And when they would reach the climax, he would sing- 
out with an extended voice: 

" Jump over double trouble Juber." 

Then such antics and gymnastics as the dancers would 
perform with their hands and feet, keeping time with the 
leader, as would be truly diverting to the reader could he 
behold such a performance now. Another song which 
they would sing in their dances was: 

"Possum up de gum bush, 

Raccoon in de holler. 
Saddle on de gray marc, 

Martingil and collar." 

I have endeavored to spell their words as they would 
pronounce them. Late in the afternoon, they would be 
seen with their little bundle of cakes, getting ready to start 
for home. Thus the day closed with them. The social 
aspect of New Town, now Pocomoke City, has undergone 
a change for the better. Whereas in the description 
already given of social life, in the early history of New 
Town, as contributing to the pleasures and passions of the 
animal, now it is seen in the improvement of the intellec- 
tual and religious part of man. Sociability seems to have 
left the lower walks of our fallen nature and is aspiring to 
a higher sphere of our manhood, as may be seen in the 
following instances, namely: in the formation of literary 
and beneficial societies, in the mingling together in the 
pursuit of knowledge. Indeed, the free public school 
system, in the Pocomoke City High School, has contri- 
buted largely to, and has acted a very important part in 
the social status of Pocomoke City. Here mind is pre- 
eminent, and the scholars who possess superior intellect 
are honored for their talent, and their society is appreciated 
whether they be rich or poor. 

Again, the various picnics and festivals gotten up for 
the promotion of education, churches, sabbath schools 
missionary and other benevolent societies, in which all have 
an interest, and all mingle. Although the different 
churches may in one sense be considered distinct commu- 
nities, yet when contemplated in their great work of doing 
good they are one grand whole, emulating each other in 
elevating society and promoting the social and religious 
bearing of Pocomoke City. Again the improvement of 
the musical talent, by the young folks, has contributed 
largely to social life in Pocomoke City. Whereas instead 
of listening to the old timey songs, in the days of yore, by 
uncultivated voices, now it is simply fascinating to listen 
to the select pieces of music as sung either in the choir, 
at concerts, or in social gatherings by those who have 
cultivated voices, and who are well educated in the science 
of music. The query may be agitated, what has produced 
such a change in the social condition? Answer. It may 
be the increase of the population, a higher grade of 
schooling and the influence of the churches. 

Saturday, April 13, 2024

When Pocomoke Was Young- A continuing weekly feature.


(Chapter flow:)




















Note:  In duplicating this material for publishing on The Pocomoke Public Eye we have made minor adjustments to correct some of the spelling, punctuation, etc. We believe the errors were not in Rev. Murray's original writing but occurred in the process of formatting the material to a digital format for viewing online.


In 1865, Albert J. Merrill established a printing press in 
New Town. He edited and published a weekly paper 
called the Record. This was the first paper ever pub- 
lished in New Town. It was creditable, neat and highly 
prized by the people. In 1865, William L. Clarke, a 
native of Worcester County, who had been living in 
Wellsvile, Ohio, for several years, and had published a 
paper there called the Wellsville Patriot, returned to this, 
his native county, and established a printing press in New 
Town, and edited and published a paper called the Gazette. 
This paper, also, was neatly gotten up, and was a credit 
to its editor, and highly prized by its patrons. 

These two editors sent out their weekly issues down to 
1872, when A. J. Merrill, Esq., bought out William L. 
Clarke, Esq., and consolidated the two papers into one, 
called the Record and Gazette, under the editorial man- 
agement and control of A. J. Merrill, Esq. 

In 1879, Dr. S. S. Quinn bought one half of the press, 
and its appurtenances, and had the editorial management 
of the paper under the firm of A. J. Merrill and S. S. 
Quinn, until 1882, when J. Shiles Crocket became one- 
third owner of the press and paper, and is now the editor 
and manager of the same, under the firm of Merrill, 
Quinn & Crocket. 

The social aspect of New Town, now Pocomoke City. 
The reader may be anxious to learn something of the 
habits and social bearing of the citizens during its early 
history. Well, to begin, the citizens, with very few excep- 
tions, would take their toddy; hence, the common practice 
which was followed by parents of mixing a glass of toddy 
before breakfast and handing it to each member of the 
family, from the oldest to the youngest. This practice was 
as common as the days rolled round, when I was a little 
boy. Again, when friends would visit each other the decan- 
ter of liquor, glasses, sugar and water would be set out, and 
an invitation given to come up and help themselves. Again, 
when citizens and men from the country would congregate, 
on Saturday, at the stores, (for the stores were the chief 
places of resort) a pint of liquor would be called for. The 
pint cup would be set out with tumblers and pitcher of 
water, and the invitation given to all present to come up, 
"come up gentlemen and help yourselves." Then toasts 
would be drank, something after the following order, with 
the glass in hand, addressing the company: "well gentle- 
men! here is luck and a plenty." Frequently they would 
get quite mellow over the pint cup before they left it; and 
likely enough a few brushes of the fist would follow. 

Another feature of social life was that of families visiting 
each other to eat the social meal. At such times they 
would remain after supper with the family until usual bed- 
time, passing the time in such conversation as would be 
agreeable to all. The family code at that day was: that 
children could be seen but must not be heard while the 
older persons were talking. 

A little incident occurred one night, on one of those 
occasions, in relation to myself, which will be somewhat 
amusing to the reader: Some neighbors had called in to 
take supper with my father and mother, and staid till after 
night. The little folks had received orders to sit and listen 
but must not talk, if they did, the one so offending must 
march off up stairs to bed. Somehow or other I broke 
the law, I was discovered talking to the boys, who with 
myself, with this single exception, were as mute as mice, 
the result was I had to go to bed. While lying in bed, 
reviewing my conduct during the day and night, I knew I 
had been a bad boy. Conscience was supreme and 
hurled its thunderbolts at me. I began to cast my thoughts 
around and contemplate the possibility of Satan's coming 
after me that night, and if so what should I do. Just at 
that moment, while under such terrible reflections, the 
house cat, which by means of the room door being left 
open, had crept into the room and jumped upon the bed, 
in doing which it jumped in my face. The reader may, if 
he can, imagine my feelings; to me they were beyond 
description. I grabbed the cat with both hands, and 
threw it in another part of the room. But, oh! the terror 
that seized me. I screamed at the top of my voice. As 
soon as I took hold of the cat I knew what it was, but the 
fact of its being the cat did not abate my screaming. 1 
thought the Devil was about to lay hold of me. My 
mother was swift to my rescue, and carried me down 
stairs, and I was once more happy in being seated in the 
corner with the children listening to the old folks at home. 
Again, the social life was exhibited in the various amuse- 
ments and pastimes of the day. For instance, the game 
of fives with the trapball was a favorite sport with both men 
and boys; the playing of cards was also frequently prac- 
ticed in families; shooting at the mark for turkeys, quarters 
of beef, etc. Wrestling was much in vogue in the early 
history of New Town. Men and boys both would engage 
in it. Boxing was also practiced. 

I have beheld such sports and have seen men kick each 
other like horses. Sometimes death would be the result 
of such exercises. There were men in New Town and 
the surrounding county who prided themselves upon their 
manhood. Sometimes they would exhibit their strength 
by lifting the fifty-six pound weights, which were used in 
the tobacco warehouse for weighing tobacco. The two 
heaviest lifts were as follows: one lifted eleven the other 
fourteen fifty-six pound weights, each man aggregating 
respectively 616 pounds and 784 pounds. Query: Are 
there two men in Pocomoke City at the present who can 
come up to this. Those shooting, wrestling' and boxing 
matches were attended with a spirit of rivalry which would 
sometimes culminate in a pitched battle. I have seen men 
strip themselves to the waist and commence their brutal- 
ity. Those fights would be equal in brutality, if not so 
scientific, to the prize fights of recent years. Again, social 
life would be seen in the cotton pickings, quiltings and 
dances. After the cotton picking or quilting had been 
attended to, the plays would commence. For instance, a 
family had a quilt to be quilted, they would invite the 
young ladies to come in the afternoon and the gentlemen 
would go after supper. By supper time the quilt would be 
finished. After supper the plays would commence by 
singing those songs that used to be sung on such occa- 
sions "in the days of yore." Of course they had kissing 
in the plays, for that was the most enjoyable part of them. 
On a certain occasion it was the fortune of a certain young 
man to call out a lady whom it would be his pleasure, as 
he thought, to kiss. The call was made, the young lady 
came out upon the floor, she was very tall and he was low 
of stature, she was aristocratic and was mortified at being 
called out by him; he attempted to kiss her, but she held 
her head well up and snuffed her nose at him, so that he 
could not succeed, but he was equal to the emergency. 
"Stop! stop!" said he, " let me draw my boots and climb. " 
The take-off was so good that it raised a great titter in 
the company and that young lady's pride got a fall that 
night. I have spoken of the songs in those plays, one of 
which I will mention as illustrative of the character of 
the rest. 

"Here we go to Baltimore, 
Two behind and two before; 
Round and round and round we go, 
Where oats, peas, beans 
And barley grows." 

From the best information that I can get this is an Irish 
song. The word Baltimore was originally spelled " Bailte 
Mor" and signified a proprietary of a barony or large 
town. On a certain occasion there was a social gathering 
at the house of an old gentleman. The young folks were 
formed in a ring, holding on to each other's hands, and 
singing the above song. As they were marching round 
and round, a certain young man was in reach of the old 
gentleman as he sat in the corner of the hearth-place, 
when he slapped him on the shoulder, exclaiming: ''Johnnie, 
honey, don't you love the gals!" The answer was prompt: 
"Oh, yes, Uncle Davie!" still singing as they swung 
around the circle. 

Saturday, April 6, 2024

When Pocomoke Was Young- A continuing weekly feature.


(Chapter flow:)




















Note:  In duplicating this material for publishing on The Pocomoke Public Eye we have made minor adjustments to correct some of the spelling, punctuation, etc. We believe the errors were not in Rev. Murray's original writing but occurred in the process of formatting the material to a digital format for viewing online.


The postoffice, in the early history of New Town, 
was a very small affair, so small, indeed, that I have the 
impression that there was no pay for transmission of the 
mail from Snow Hill to New Town, as that was, then, the 
mail route. I am indorsed in this declaration by the fact 
that it was transmitted by individual citizens when they 
would go to Snow Hill, on business, on public days. 

As early as 1820. Michael Murray, my father, was post- 
master for New Town. When other means of getting the 
mail would fail, my father would send my two oldest 
brothers, each one on horseback, to Snow Hill for the 
mail. After these two brothers went to Baltimore to learn 
a trade, this duty at times fell upon my two next older 
brothers and myself. The mail was due at New Town 
once a week, and sometimes it would lay in the office at 
Snow Hill two weeks for the want of a carrier. In such 
emergencies, my fathers would say to us: "Boys, you 
must take the canoe," for then we had no horse, "and go- 
to Snow Hill for the mail." At that period I do not 
think I was more than eight years of age. We manned 
the boat with two oars and a paddle; as I was the- 
youngest, it fell to my lot to be steersman, as that was the 
easiest part of the work. We would start on the first of 
the flood tide. We were going on United States busi- 
ness, and being little boys, of course we felt the importance 
of our mission. When the boys would lean back with 
their oars and make a long pull and a strong pull the 
canoe, as a thing of life, would dart ahead and seemed to 
say to me: "If you don't mind I will run from under 
you." Thus we tugged and sweated until we reached 
Snow Hill. We went up to the postoffice and got the 
mail. If the ebb tide had made we started for home. 
Sometimes we would be in the night getting home. At 
such times I would get sleepy and would be afraid I 
would fall overboard. Incidents like the following have 
taken place when we have been delayed till the night 
getting home. A storm cloud would arise, the thunder 
and lightning would be terrific, the rain coming down 
seemingly in torrents. We had no covering but the 
cloud out of which the rain was descending. When we 
would be getting down near the old ferry, now the bridge, 
we would begin to halloo at the top of our voices, knowing 
that our mother would be down at the back of the lot 
looking up the river to see if we were coming. Sure 
enough she would be the first one to meet us when we 
reached the shore. The reader will learn that my father's 
house stood on the same ground where William T. S. 
Clarke's house now stands. There was no wharf then 
between the lot and the river. There was nothing but 
tuckahoes, mud and bramble. 

When I think of the incident just described with many 
others in which a mother's love has been shown, I am 
constrained to exclaim: "Oh! the thoughts of a precious 
loving mother: I once had such a mother, and the 
remembrance of her is like sweet incense poured forth." 
We arrived safely at home, ate our supper, went to bed 
and slept soundly. The next morning the mail was 
opened. The citizens would call for their mail matter. 
Some of them had friends living in the far West, on the 
frontiers of civilization, as far away as Ohio and ye Old 
Kentucky. Oh! what a wonderful sight it was then, to a 
little bey, to see a man who had come from that far-away 
country. As I have already stated the New Town mail 
was very small. There were but few newspapers in the 
country and I have no knowledge what the postage was 
on them. Letter postage was regulated by the distance a 
letter had to go. For instance, the postage on a letter 
from New Town to Baltimore was ten cents and from New 
Town to New Orleans it was twenty-five cents. Anything 
over half ounce was double postage then as it is now. 
Forty years ago there was an express arrangement from 
New Orleans to Baltimore in the form of a flying post; 
that is to say, horses on the route would be bridled and 
saddled already to start at the moment. For instance, the 
starting point would be at New Orleans, the horse was 
saddled and bridled and the rider in the saddle; at the 
moment the signal to start was given, the rider would go 
in riving speed to the next station of probably four miles 
distance, at which another horse would be all ready, the 
rider would dismount and mount again and thus pursue 
the route to Baltimore. A letter by this route cost seventy- 
five cents from New Orleans to New Town; if the letter 
had money in it or over a half ounce the postage was one 
dollar and fifty cents. How long this express route 
existed I cannot say, probably not long. In 1827, Michael 
Murray, my father, resigned the postmastership, having 
held that position from my earliest recollection. At the 
period referred to above, there was no mail pouch to put 
the mail matter in; indeed, the mail would be so small that 
it would be tied up with twine and taken in the hand, not 
larger than any one of the neighborhood mails that go out 
of Pocomoke City Postoffice at the present day. 

The following is a list of names of postmasters of New 
Town Postoffice from 1820 to 1882: Michael Murray, 
Thos. Brittingham, John Burnett, Dr. James B. Horsey, 
John S. Stevenson, Dr. Joseph L. Adreon, William J. S. 
Clarke, William H. T. Clarvoe, C. C. Lloyd, James 
Murray, Dr. John T. B. McMaster, William H. S. Merrill 
and James H. Vincent, who is the present incumbent. 
Thus the names of the postmasters of New Town Post- 
office will be preserved from oblivion to those who do not 
take the pains to search the official records for such 

I would here state that the postoffice went begging for 
an appointee as late as 1861. This was the case when it 
came into the writers hands at the above date. The mail, 
in New Town, was semi-weekly and the postmaster 
received about 80 dollars per year for his services. About 
1863, the post office became a salaried one. The post- 
master was required to keep a correct account of all 
mail matter going- through the office during the last 
quarter of the year and make a return of the same to the 
postoffice department at Washington, and his salary was 
based upon the per centage allowed him on all mail matter 
going through the office that quarter, for two years to 
come. Thus the salary was fixed every two years. 

The postoffice in Pocomoke City, at the present day. 
pays a salary of $700. It is one to be coveted and one 
that will induce a political struggle to obtain. As late, 
probably, as 1850, we had but one mail a week, now we 
have three mails a day, and soon the fourth one will be 
added. The rate of postage, then, was fixed according 
to the distance a letter had to go. Then a letter from New 
Town to New Orleans was twenty-five cents, now a letter 
postage is three cents to any part of the United States.

Saturday, March 30, 2024

When Pocomoke Was Young- A continuing weekly feature.


(Chapter flow:)




















Note:  In duplicating this material for publishing on The Pocomoke Public Eye we have made minor adjustments to correct some of the spelling, punctuation, etc. We believe the errors were not in Rev. Murray's original writing but occurred in the process of formatting the material to a digital format for viewing online.


In 1867, Alpheus Sidney Stevens commenced the 
practice of law in New Town; previous to this time we 
never had a resident lawyer in the place. He was born 
in Somerset County, Md., on the 15th day of December, 
1840. He was a regular descendant of Col. William 
Stevens, of colonial fame. His father, who is still living 
at or near the age of 75 years, is no doubt the great great 
grandson of Col. Wm. Stevens. This declaration could 
be corroborated by such a statement of facts were it 
necessary, as would leave but little room for cavil. 

Alpheus Sidney Stevens was a self-made man. He 
only went to school two years, fifteen months of that time 
he went to a country school, which he afterward said was 
time thrown away. The remaining nine months was 
occupied at New Town Academy, during which time he 
made some advancement, enough at least to inspire a 
thirst for knowledge, which never abated during his life. 
At 15 years of age he engaged as clerk in a store and 
continued in that capacity for three years. At 18 years of 
age he obtained a first grade certificate from the School 
Board of Somerset County to teach school, and he 
engaged in that occupation for three years more, at which 
time he was 21 years old. He then commenced merchan- 
dising in Pocomoke City and was a successful merchant 
for six years. On the 3d day of November, 1863, he was 
united in marriage to Miss Mary E. Truitt. During his 
mercantile life he read law and in 1867 was admitted to 
the bar of Worcester County, after passing one of the 
finest examinations. He practiced law for four years. 
His was a mind of no ordinary cast; indeed, he was a 
genius. Although he made great proficiency in the 
pursuit of knowledge for his opportunity, yet he was called 
away in the morning of life before he had reached the 
meridian of his intellectual manhood. Had he lived, no 
doubt he would have been a jurist of the first order and 
worthy to be associated with his ancestor of colonial fame. 
Mr. Stevens was a member of the Presbyterian Church in 
New Town. On the 19th day of July, 1872, he passed 
away like the blasted rosebud that just began to unfold its 
petals to make its fragrance known. So died Alpheus 
Sidney Stevens, at the age of 32 years, leaving a widow 
and four children to cherish his memory. 

Benjamin Williams, attorney at law, was admitted to 
the bar of Worcester County Court about the year 1871. 
He was a native of Calvert County, Md. but moved to 
Worcester County prior to his study in law. Immediately 
after his admission to the bar, he located in Pocomoke 
City and commenced practicing his profession. He 
continued in the practice of law for about two years and 
then moved to another part of the State. 

Adial P. Barnes, attorney at law, was born in Nassa- 
naddus, (Nassawango?) Worcester County Md., on the 10th day of 
September, 1848. His parents were James A. and Sarah 
E. Barnes. His father was quite an extensive and very 
successful farmer and accumulated a large amount of 
wealth, and is living", at ease, in Pocomoke City, at the age 
of three score and ten years. 

Adial P. Barnes, in his early life, labored on his father's 
farm with the farm hands except when going to school. 
He attended a country school, where only the elementary 
principles of education were taught. In his youth, he had 
an ardent desire to get an education that he might be 
prepared to enter upon a professional life. His father, 
seeing the bent of his mind, sent him to the Public High 
School of Pocomoke City, where he was taught the 
higher branches of education. After attending this school 
for two years he read law in the office of George W. 
Purnell, Esq., in Snow Hill, for one year. He then went 
to the University of Virginia and attended law lectures, in 
that institution, for two years. After which he went to the 
University of Maryland and took his degree in the law 
department of that institution, in the month of June, 1873. 
Upon graduating he opened a law office, in the same year, 
in Pocomoke City, where he followed his profession until 
the month of October, 1877, when he removed to Snow 
Hill, Md., and opened an office there, where he is still 
engaged in the practice of law. Mr. Barnes is a growing 
lawyer and ranks well with his professional brotherhood. 

He is a young man yet, and having an ambition to excel, 
he will, no doubt, with his application make his mark as a 
jurist whose talent will command a lucrative practice and 
secure a name to be envied. 

J. Lloyd Wilkinson was born in New Town on the 13th 
day of May, 1857. His father Rev. William Wilkinson 
was a Baptist minister. Mr. Wilkinson attended the High 
School at New Town until he was eleven years of age. 
After this he entered the Drug Store of Mr. C. C. Lloyd 
as clerk, after being in the drug store of Mr. Lloyd for 
several years he went to Culpepper, in Virginia, to take 
charge of a drug store there. During the time, in which 
he was engaged in the drug business, he read law under 
Gen. J. G. Field of Culpepper, who is at present, Attorney- 
General for the state of Virginia, and in 1878 he was 
admitted to the bar. At this period he was 21 years of 
age. He practiced in the courts of Madison, Green and 
Culpepper Counties, Va. In the winter of 1879 and 1880, 
he returned to Pocomoke City and in 1880 he was 
admitted to the Worcester bar. 

Mr. Wilkinson is a young man of promise, with a good 
mind looming up into brilliancy, and is rising in the estima- 
tion of all who know him, for his legal ability. 

John Glenn Towsend was born in Nassawaddux, (?) Wor- 
cester County, Maryland, on the 25th day of May, 1853, 
and resided, up to his early manhood, in the county of his 
birth. He received a common school education, and 
being of studious habits he prepared himself for a teacher 
in the public schools. He was appointed principal of the 
grammar school at Stockton, Worcester County, Md., 
which position he held some considerable time, during 
which he studied law and was admitted to the bar in 
Worcester County, in 1877. He, however, continued 
teaching- school for two years. Afterwards he opened a 
law office in Pocomoke City, where he has since practiced 
his profession. Mr. Towsend is the youngest son of 
Teagle Towsend, deceased, who was a leading man in 
the county, of the old Whig party. 

J. Glenn Towsend is quite a young man and has, com- 
paratively, just entered the arena of public life as a 
lawyer. If a noted family record, with a good mind and 
studious habits, together with a good moral and religious 
character, is any warrant of success, he will doubtless 
honor his profession. 

J. Shiles Crockett, attorney at law, was born in Princess 
Anne, Md., on the 12th day of December, 1858. He was 
educated partly at the Princess Anne Academy and at 
St. John's College, Annapolis, Md., at which latter institu- 
tion he graduated in 1878. He read law in the office of 
Col. Henry Page and was admitted to the bar of Somerset 
County Court in 1880. He then moved to Crisfield and 
practiced his profession until 1882, when he removed to 
Pocomoke City. Mr. Crockett is a young man with a 
good mind and is a graduate at college. He read law 
under one of the first lawyers of the State. With appli- 
cation he has everything in his favor to insure success 
in his profession. 

A history of the legal profession in New Town, now 
Pocomoke City, would be incomplete not to mention the 
fact that many of the lawyers, both of the Snow Hill and 
Princess Anne bar, have practiced law in New Town, and 
chief among those of the Princess Anne bar who have thus 
practiced are John W. Crisfield, James U. Dennis, Col. 
Henry Page and William McMaster. Those of the 
Snow Hill bar are Dennard Williams, Judge John R- 
Franklin, Walter P. Snow, Judge Ephraim K. Wilson, 
William H. W. Farrow, George W. Purnell George M. 
Upshur, William S. Wilson, Clayton J. Purnell and Adial 
P. Barnes. The Messrs. G. W. Purnell, G. M. Upshur, 
W. S. Wilson, C. J. Purnell and A. P. Barnes, have still 
their stated times of visitations to Pocomoke City attend- 
ing to all business appertaining to the law. 

Saturday, March 23, 2024

When Pocomoke Was Young- A continuing weekly feature.


(Chapter flow:)




















Note:  In duplicating this material for publishing on The Pocomoke Public Eye we have made minor adjustments to correct some of the spelling, punctuation, etc. We believe the errors were not in Rev. Murray's original writing but occurred in the process of formatting the material to a digital format for viewing online.


Dr. Samuel S. Quinn was born near New Town, the 22d 
day of April, 1838. His parents were Rev. William and 
Rosa B. Quinn ; he was educated at New Town Academy, 
studied medicine under Drs. Hearn and McMaster, grad- 
uated at Maryland University, in the spring of 1859, and 
commenced, at once the practice of medicine in New 
Town. On the 19th day of June, 1861, he received 
the hand of Miss Sally A. O. Atkinson in marriage. She 
died the 17th day of September, 1869. His present wife 
was Miss Amanda Conner, with whom he was united in 
marriage on the 16th day of November, 1871. Upon the 
institution of the High School in New Town, he was Trustee 
for several years. He served as commissioner of the Cor- 
poration, in 1871 and 72, and was also re-elected to that 
office this present year. Notwithstanding these tokens of 
preferment he has never been an applicant for any office. 
The Doctor while attending to his practice has been con- 
ducting the Record and Gazette, a weekly paper in which 
he owns an interest. He has three children living, one by 
his first wife and two by his second. He is quiet, genial 
and companionable, and is possessed of a brilliant intellect. 

He is only approaching the meridian of his intellectual 
manhood, and has a bright future before him. Dr. Quinn 
is a member of the Presbyterian Church, in Pocomoke 

Dr. Isaac T. Coston was born in Somerset County, Md., 
on the 10th day of October, 1832. His father was Wm. 
Coston, of Matthias; his mother's name was Rosa Taylor 
daughter of Samuel Taylor. The Doctor was raised on 
the farm and could only avail himself of such schooling as 
could be had at a country school until he was sixteen years 
old. At sixteen he was admitted into the Washington 
Academy at Princess Anne, as one to receive the benefit 
of the State fund. He lived at a distance of six miles from 
the Academy and went and returned every school day for 
five years, except he was detained by sickness or extremely 
bad weather, all of which of course drew heavily upon his 
time that would under other circumstances have been 
devoted to study. At the expiration of five years spent 
in this way and his vacations in hard labor on the farm, 
he commenced to teach school and continued for two 
years, at the same time using all his spare hours in reading 
medicine. He then applied his time exclusively to the 
study of medicine for two years more under Drs. George 
Dixon, of Princess Anne, and John Neill, of Philadelphia. 
He then entered the Pennsylvania University, and after 
attending the regular courses of lectures, he graduated in 
March, 1857. Immediately after his graduation he located 
in Rehobeth, in Somerset County, where he practiced his 
profession until 1863, when he moved to Accomac County, 
Va., and there he practiced for two years more, when in 
July, 1865, he moved to New Town, where he has continued 
the practice of medicine ever since. After settling in New 
Town he received on the 22d day of February, 1866, the 
hand of Miss Olivia Adams, daughter of the late Morris 
Adams, of Somerset County, in marriage. He has four 
children living; has held the position of trustee of 
Pocomoke High School for several years, which he 
resigned. The Doctor was, in November last, elected as 
a delegate to represent the people of Worcester County in 
the Legislature, which has now closed. He is a member 
of the Presbyterian Church in Pocomoke City, and is a 
very worthy and highly respected citizen. 

Dr. Gordon T. Atkinson was born in Somerset County, 
Md. on the 18th day of December, 1846. He was educated 
at the New Town Academy and at Dickinson College. 
After he left College he read medicine under Dr. S. S. Quinn 
for one year, he then went to the University of Penn. and 
attended lectures. He received the degree of M. D. in 
1869. He practiced medicine in Pocomoke City for one 
year. He then removed to Crisfield, Md. where he has 
since resided, pursuing the practice of his profession. 

Dr -George T. Truitt, son of William R. and Sarah C. 
Truitt, was born in the City of Baltimore, in 1848. He 
alternately received his education in the City of Baltimore, 
in New Town, and in Claymont, Del., at which latter place 
he graduated. Immediately after his graduation at school 
he took up the study of medicine under Prof. Nathan R. 
Smith of Baltimore. 

Prof. Smith was his preceptor until he graduated at the 
University School of Medicine, in the City of Baltimore, 
in 1869. In 1870, he commenced the practice of medi- 
cine in New Town, he remained here one year and 
removed to Millsboro, Sussex County, Delaware. He 
there practiced in partnership with G. F. Burton for one year, 
when the partnership was dissolved. He then practiced 
alone for three years, during which time he was married 
to Miss Virginia C. Burton, of that place. After remaining 
in Delaware during the time aforesaid Dr. Truitt again 
returned to New Town where he engaged in the practice 
of medicine until within a few years past, since which time 
he has devoted his time, exclusively, to Dental Surgery. 
Dr. Truitt is the only graduated physician, in Pocomoke 
City, who devotes himself, exclusively, to Dental Surgery 
in which he is a proficient. He is a vestryman in the 
Protestant Episcopal Church in Pocomoke City and is a 
good citizen and worthy of patronage. 

Dr. Julius T. Hall was born on the old homestead near 
New Town, Worcester County, Md., on the 20th day of 
July, 1849- Soon afterwards his father, Zadock J. Hall 
moved to town where he raised his family. Julius received 
his education from the schools of the town, completing it in 
the High School. In 1867, he took charge of a school at 
Swansgut or Remson, where he remained for 18 months. 
In the fall of 1869, he took charge of Pitt's Creek School. 
In 1870, he accepted a position as teacher in the Pocomoke 
High School where he remained until 1874. He then ac- 
cepted the position of assistant superintendent of Baltimore 
House of Refuge, after remaining there some time, he 
accepted the principalship of Jacksonville Academy near 
Crisfield, Somerset county, Md. This was his largest 
and most flourishing school; he taught it for over three 
years and during the time he read medicine. In 1877, he 
entered the College of Physicians and Surgeons, in the 
University of Maryland. He attended two full courses of 
lectures and graduated in 1879. He forthwith opened 
an office in Pocomoke City where he has since been prac- 
ticing his profession. In October, 1879, he was united in 
marriage to Miss Mary C. Thomas, of Norfolk Virginia. 

Dr. Hall is a young man yet; he is a member of the 
Baptist Church in Pocomoke City; he is studious, indus- 
trious and is highly respected, both as a physician and 
citizen. Having a good mind and physical constitution,. 
he has flattering prospects of a useful life and will, no 
doubt, be ranked among the first physicians of his day. 

Dr. Wallace W. Freeman was born in Nashville, Tenn., 
on the 13th day of April, I855. He was educated in the 
public schools of Memphis, Tenn., and Camden, New 
Jersey. He commenced the study of dentistry in Pocomoke 
City in the fall of 1879, and attended two sessions of 
lectures at the Baltimore College of Dental Surgery, 
where, in 18S2, he graduated and received his degree of 
D. D. S., after which he opened an office in Pocomoke City, 
where he is at present practicing his profession. He is 
studious and closely applies himself to business and is 
ambitious to excel in his profession. He may always be 
found at his office, where he is prepared to give entire 
satisfaction in dental surgery. 

Dr. Freeman is a member of the Baptist Church in 
Pocomoke City- He has a high sense of moral obliga- 
tion and is a thorough temperance man. If these 
qualifications betoken a bright future in his profession, he 
will reach it. 

Dr. John H. King was born in Princess Anne, Somerset 
County, Md., on the 29th day of August, 1857. He was 
educated at the High School of Pocomoke City. After 
leaving school, he entered the drug store of E. Fontaine 
as clerk, and had six years experience in the drug 
business, during which time he had read medicine under 
Dr. S. S. Quinn. After this he entered the College of 
Physicians and Surgeons in the City of Baltimore, at 
which he attended two full courses of lectures and grad- 
uated in March, 1882. He at once returned to Pocomoke 
City and commenced the practice of medicine, associating 
himself in partnership with Dr. S. S. Quinn. Dr. King is 
a young man of considerable promise; he has a good 
mind and an ambition to excel in his profession, which 
knows no flagging. He is sound on the temperance ques- 
tion and is a supporter of moral reforms, and as a 
physician, it is already said of him, " he is becoming quite 
popular." I have no doubt but that he will hold a place 
in the front ranks of his profession with honor. 

In summing up the history of the medical fraternity of 
Pocomoke City, I will say we have eight physicians and 
surgeons, all in the prime of life, their ages ranging from 
25 to 54 years, all men of families except two, all belong- 
to church except two, and they are church-goers and are 
professedly temperance men. When I think of former 
years when it was an exception for a physician to belong 
to church or to be professedly a temperance man, I am 
constrained to pronounce a eulogy upon the men who 
compose the medical fraternity of Pocomoke City, as 
being worthy of all praise for the noble stand which they 
have taken in support of Christianity and moral reform. 
I think Pocomoke City can challenge any town on the 
Eastern Shore of 1,500 inhabitants to produce such a 
brotherhood of physicians. 

Saturday, March 16, 2024

When Pocomoke Was Young- A continuing weekly feature.


(Chapter flow:)




















Note:  In duplicating this material for publishing on The Pocomoke Public Eye we have made minor adjustments to correct some of the spelling, punctuation, etc. We believe the errors were not in Rev. Murray's original writing but occurred in the process of formatting the material to a digital format for viewing online.


Of the physicians of New Town (now Pocomoke City), 
Dr. John Stevenson was the first that we have any knowl- 
edge of. He settled in New Town about the year 1800, and 
practiced medicine until he died, which event occurred in 
in 1826. He was buried in the family burying ground on 
the farm, which now belongs to Thomas W. Hargis, he 
being at the time of his death 50 years of age. Dr. 
Stevenson had no competition in the practice of medicine 
until a few years before his death, consequently he had a 
large practice and made money. He had a genial spirit, 
was very popular both as a physician and citizen, and was 
highly cultured. (Previewed last week.)
He was a member of the Pitts Creek 
Presbyterian Church, and as has already been intimated, 
became independent, and when he died he left a fine 
estate to his widow and children. 

Dr. Morrison settled here for a short time and practiced 
medicine. Dr. Johnson also practiced medicine in New 
Town for a short time and then moved to Salisbury, where 
he died. The first name of these two gentlemen I have 
forgotten; they practiced in New Town in the latter part 
of Dr. Stevenson's life. 

Dr. John B. H. W. Clarvoe commenced the practice of 
medicine in New Town in the latter part of Dr. Steven- 
son's life. He built up an extensive practice; he was 
sociable, intelligent and one of the most popular physicians 
and citizens. The tidy little Doctor's image is before me 
in my memory while I write. Seated upon his Teaboy or 
Catahulean — for these were the names of his horses — hav- 
ing his saddlebags with him, he would ride away to visit 
his patients. The Doctor was a cousin to Bennett H. 
Clarvoe, and consequently a relative of the celebrated and 
well-known detective John Clarvoe, of Washington City, 
who has recently deceased. The Doctor died compara- 
tively a young man, and left a widow and three children, 
all of whom have since passed away. 

Dr. James B. Horsey settled in New Town in the prac- 
tice of medicine a while after Dr. Stevenson's death. He 
married the Doctor's youngest daughter, Elizabeth, and 
occupied the homestead while he lived. He died in 1838, 
aged 30 years. Dr. Horsey was a native of Snow Hill. 
His father died when he was quite small. The independ- 
ent and generous-hearted David Hopkins, of Snow Hill, 
who was a bachelor, took a liking to the sprightly lad and 
assumed his education. He gave him a thorough college 
course all at his own expense. After the doctor's gradua- 
tion Mr. Hopkins gave him a physician's outfit, consisting 
of horse, carriage, etc. Dr. Horsey had a bright intellect, 
was a good physician, and a ready off-handed speaker 
when the occasion called him out. 

Dr. George S. D. Shipley commenced the practice of 
medicine, in New Town, in 1839, and continued here ten 
or eleven years. He then moved to Salisbury and in a 
few years he died. He was a good physician and a gentle- 
man in the best sense of the word. 

Dr. Collyer was associated with Dr. Shipley in the 
practice of medicine in New Town, he afterwards moved 
to Accomac County, Va., where he soon died. Dr. Joseph 
L. Adreon commenced the practice of medicine in New 
Town, in 1839. He was a good physician, practiced about 
20 years, and in i860 he died. 

Dr. Adreon left an amiable widow and a fine family of 
children. In 1846 Dr. John L. Hearn commenced the 
practice of medicine in New Town, and continued the 
same until 1872, during which year he died, embracing a 
period of 26 years. Dr. Hearn was a native of New 
Town, he was born the 19th day of March, 1823. When 
in 1847 he received the hand of Miss Sallie E. Atkinson in 
marriage, a young lady every way worthy of him. Dr. 
Hearn had a bright intellect, beyond the common order 
of minds. He was a good physician and was very pop- 
ular both as a physician and citizen. His popularity in the 
old Whig party was so great that when there was a proba- 
bility of a hard struggle between them and the Democratic 
party, he would be selected as the most mailable candi- 
date to carry the election for the Whig party. He left a 
widow and four children that are an honor to his name 
and who possess minds of an intellectual order. 

Dr. John T. B. McMaster, physician and surgeon, was 
born in Worcester County, Md. near New Town, now 
Pocomoke City, on the 18th day of December, 1827. 
His parents were Samuel and Ann Baily (Merrill) 
McMaster. His mother was the daughter of William 
Merrill and grand daughter of Col. Clement Parker of 
Accomac County, Va. The McMaster family descended 
from the old Scotch Covenanters. They emigrated to 
America soon after the restoration of Charles II, and 
settled near Carlisle, Perm. (Pa.?) His grand father was a 
Presbyterian Minister. In his boyhood Dr. McMaster 
attended the country schools of the period, and was well 
drilled in the English branches and mastered the elementary 
classes. He possessed a quick and active mind and learned 
with great readiness. 

Soon after leaving school he engaged in mercantile 
pursuits, but finding them unsuited to his tastes, he com- 
menced in 1848 the study of medicine with G. S. D. 
Shipley, of New Town. The following year he matricu- 
lated at the University of Maryland, where he attended two 
full courses of lectures, and graduated in the spring of 1850. 
He at once commenced the practice of his profession in 
New Town in partnership with Dr. John L. Hearn, and 
soon succeeded in building up a large and lucrative prac- 
tice. The partnership was dissolved in 1857, since which 
time Dr. McMaster has continued alone in the same place, 
growing constantly in favor as a practitioner and citizen. 
Several young men trained by him for the profession are 
now practicing in the county. 

In 1862, he was appointed by President Lincoln Brigade 
Surgeon of Volunteers, but on account of the death of the 
oldest physician in the town, too many duties devolved 
upon him at home and he did not go into the army, but 
was employed during most of the war as contract physician, 
with headquarters at New Town. In 1862 he was 
appointed examining surgeon for the first draft of militia 
called for by President Lincoln, which duty he fulfilled to 
the general satisfaction of the people of the county. In 
1864 he was elected to the Senate of Maryland for two 
sessions, and taking an active and leading part in the 
debates, became an influential member of that body. In 
1866 he was appointed post master for New Town for 2 years. 
In 1868 he was appointed inspector and gauger of liquors 
and inspector of snuff and cigars, but only held these 
positions for a short time. The General Assembly of 
Maryland, through his efforts, granted a charter for New 
Town, and in 1867 he was elected town commissioner, 
which position he held for two years to the entire satisfac- 
tion of the community. During this period he was mainly 
instrumental in having the town well lighted, the streets 
widened and many other things accomplished that have 
greatly improved the place. In 1868 he was appointed 
by President Johnson Assistant Assessor of Internal 
Revenue, which position he held for nearly two years. In 
1869 a charter was obtained to construct a railroad from 
King's Creek to New Town, and Dr. McMaster was elected 
president of the company. Through his active exertions 
the road was soon completed and in running order. In 
1865 he procured a charter lor a company to build a 
bridge across the Pocomoke River. He subscribed to the 
stock, organized the company, and within the year the 
bridge was built, taking the place of the ferryboat which 
had done service for nearly two hundred years. On May 
May 15, 1851, Dr. McMaster was united in marriage with 
Elizabeth Grace, daughter of J. S. Stevenson, a well-known 
citizen of New Town. They have had seven children, 
five of whom are still living. The eldest son, John S., is 
preparing to enter the legal profession. In his religious 
views Dr. McMaster prefers the norms and practices of the 
Presbyterian Church, both as a matter of choice and of 
respect for the opinions of his forefathers. He is one of 
the leading physicians of the State. He has rendered large 
public services and is regarded as one of the most spirited 
citizens of Maryland. He is now in the meridian of his 
manhood, possessing more than an ordinary degree of 
brilliancy of intellect, and is always ready to take the lead 
in every public good. 

Dr. Alexander Powell practiced medicine in New Town 
in 1831. What time he commenced practicing and how long 
he continued I am not prepared to say, he, however, went 
to the South, settled there, and has since died. Dr. 
Edward White practiced medicine in New Town in 1845, 
he did not, however, continue long before he moved to the 
City of Baltimore where he is still engaged in the practice 
of his profession. Dr. Henry J. P. Dickinson was born 
near New Town, Maryland, on the twenty-sixth day of 
September, 1826. His parents were James T. and Nancy 
Dickinson; he was raised and educated in New Town, 
studied medicine under Dr. Joseph L. Adreon, and grad- 
uated at the University of Maryland, in 1850. He 
commenced practicing medicine at Barren Creek Springs, 
Somerset County, (now Wicomico,) Md. In 1852, he was 
united in marriage with Miss E. A. Waller, of that county, 
who died in a year or two after her marriage leaving one 
son in his infancy. After the death of his wife, Dr. Dick- 
inson moved to New Town and commenced the practice 
of medicine; in a few years he married Miss Emma F. 
Lambdon, of Worcester County, alter which he moved to 
the country, on his farm, and there continued the practice 
of medicine until he died, which event occurred in 1865. 
He left four children, one by his first wife and three by his 
last, one of whom has since died. Granville E. Dickinson, 
his oldest son, studied medicine and graduated at the 
University of Maryland, in 1874, at the age of twenty-one 
years, and commenced the practice of medicine in Fair- 
mount, Somerset County, Maryland, where he still con- 

Dr. David J. O. Truitt was born in New Town, Md., on 
the fifth day of November, 1836. His father, after being 
engaged in the mercantile business, in New Town, for 
several years, moved to the City of Baltimore, where the 
Doctor was educated at the Newton University, after grad- 
uating at that institution, he studied medicine, attended 
two full courses of lectures and graduated at the University 
of Maryland in I857, at the age of twenty-one years. He 
then, excepting - two intervals in which he practiced in the 
Southern Dispensary of Baltimore and Xasswadduso, (Nassawango?)
Worcester County, Maryland, settled in New Town, and 
has remained here ever since. Dr. Truitt is a good phy- 
sician, and is considered one of the best surgeons on the 
Eastern Shore, and is a worthy and useful citizen. He 
has been thrice married and has three children. 

Saturday, March 9, 2024

When Pocomoke Was Young- A continuing weekly feature.


(Chapter flow:)




















Note:  In duplicating this material for publishing on The Pocomoke Public Eye we have made minor adjustments to correct some of the spelling, punctuation, etc. We believe the errors were not in Rev. Murray's original writing but occurred in the process of formatting the material to a digital format for viewing online.


Hotels existed in New Town at an early date in its his- 
tory, the first, however, which I have any information of 
was kept by Josiah Long, my wile's father. How long he 
was engaged in the business I cannot say. He died in 
1813. About the same time, or shortly after Josiah Long 
commenced the business, Bennett H. Clarvoe engaged in 
it also. After Mr. Clarvoe died, the widows of Mr. Long 
and Mr. Clarvoe carried the business on for some time 
and then retired; and in succession the following persons 
kept hotel, in New Town, now Pocomoke City, until the 
present time, 1882: Captain John Merchant, Littleton Cot- 
tingham, Sally Jones, Francis Mezick, Thomas Evans, 
Edward F. Mezick, Robert Silverthorn, Joseph Lankford, 
Henry Dryden, John Allen, Rosa Young, Peter Corbin, 
Robert Marshall, John Adair, L. J. M. P. Broadwater, 
Ralph Ross, Littleton Sturgis, Charles Rider, W. J. S. 
Clarke, William W. Quinn, Titus I. West, Captain Wm. 
H. Comegys, George Twilly, Levin P. Bowland and H. 
1 Powell. Mr. Powell is the proprietor of the Clarke 
House, and is a popular hotel keeper. Report says he 
keeps the best table of any house on the shore. 

The Livery Stable business has been connected with the- 
Hotel business from time immemorial, until 1869, when, 
the Messrs. William and Samuel Twilly commenced it as 
a separate business. As the Messrs. Twilly are the pio- 
neers in this business, it is but right that an extended 
remark should be made concerning them here. These 
gentlemen, having had long experience in the livery stable 
business, have become experts, and are widely known as 
reliable men, and are very popular, it is a real pleasure 
to see the fine teams and splendid carriages which go out 
from their stables. It is thought they can challenge the 
whole Eastern Shore, if not the State, for a successful. 
rival in their line. 

In 1878 and 1879, Emerson Melvin kept a livery stable, 
in Pocomoke City, and in 1880 and 18S1, John J. Jones 
was engaged in the business; both of these establishments, 
however, continued but a short time. 

In 1881, Edwin F. Causey and Herbert H. King estab- 
lished a livery stable, in Pocomoke City, and continue 
the same to the present. These gentlemen are polite and. 
accommodating; they keep constantly on hand a supply 
of horses and carriages, and no one need fear disappoint- 
ment in getting a good team at their stable. 

We now have two livery stables in Pocomoke City, kept 
by the Messrs. Twilly and Causey & King. These two 
stables keep constantly on hand about twenty horses and 
fifteen carriages, and can scarcely supply the demand 
at that. 

Of the physicians of New Town (now Pocomoke City), 
Dr. John Stevenson was the first that we have any knowl- 
edge of. He settled in New Town about the year 1800, and 
practiced medicine until he died, which event occurred in 
in 1826. He was buried in the family burying ground on 
the farm, which now belongs to Thomas W. Hargis, he 
being at the time of his death 50 years of age. Dr. 
Stevenson had no competition in the practice of medicine 
until a few years before his death, consequently he had a 
large practice and made money. He had a genial spirit, 
was very popular both as a physician and citizen, and was 
highly cultured.

Saturday, March 2, 2024

When Pocomoke Was Young- A continuing weekly feature.


(Chapter flow:)




















Note:  In duplicating this material for publishing on The Pocomoke Public Eye we have made minor adjustments to correct some of the spelling, punctuation, etc. We believe the errors were not in Rev. Murray's original writing but occurred in the process of formatting the material to a digital format for viewing online.

In 1869, Levin J. M. P. Broadwater and Thomas R. P. 
S. White established a steam saw mill, in New Town, and 
run it until 1869, when it was purchased by James T. 
Young, and he ran it until 1876, when he sold it to W. J. 
S. Clarke, and it was moved to Cashville, Accomac County, 

In 1864, Y.J.S. Clarke and John H. Clarke, his brother 
established a Marine railway, and in 1869 they built a 
steam saw, planing and grist mill, in New Town. They 
also commenced ship building and repairing at the same 

In 1869, Hall, Bro. & Co. commenced the steam saw 
mill business. In 1873, they built their Marine railway 
and carry on ship building, also, in connection with these 
two branches of business. 

James T. Young, as has already been stated, is carrying 
on the steam mill business. Is running a steam saw, 
planing and grist mill, and carries on ship building in 

Clarke & Co. and Hall, Bro. & Co. have three steam 
saw mills in the country, but the business of those mills 
centers here, so that I associate them with the steam mill 
business of Pocomoke City. 

In 1865, Thomas F. Stevenson commenced the business 
of steam milling in New Town. In 1866 he took as a 
partner his son, Riley M. Stevenson ; the firm is now doing 
business under the firm of Thomas F. & R. M. Stevenson. 
Theirs is a flour, grist and planing mill. It will afford 
any one pleasure to go into their establishment and witness 
the mechanical skill and neatness that characterizes every 
department. The father and grandfather of this firm is 
with them and works daily at the age of between 80 and 
90 years. They are all natural mechanics and merit the 
praise that is accorded to them for the exhibition of such 
a talent. 

In 1872, James T. Hearn, Allison Fleming and Charles 
G. Dale established a steam flour and grist mill in this 
place. How long they continued I am not able to say. 
They, however, sold out to H. H. Dashiell, of Princess 
Ann, Somerset County, Md. The mill is still owned by 
Mr. Dashiell, but it is rented by R. T. Dixon, who is a 
live man, and is doing a heavy business in the manufacture 
of flour and meal. 

In summing up the steam saw, planing and grist mill 
business, together with the marine railway and shipbuild- 
ing business of Pocomoke City, we now have seven steam 
mills, including those in the country whose business is 
identical with the business of Pocomoke City. Five are 
saw mills, two of which have planing and grist mills 
attached ; two are flour and grist mills, one of which has a 
planing mill attached. There are three shipyards and 
two marine railways. They employ in the aggregate 160 
hands annually, and do an annual aggregated business 
of $166,000. 

Before concluding this part of the history of New Town, 
now Pocomoke City, I would do injustice not to mention 
the case of Captain John H. Clarke, who is equally 
deserving of a liberal notice in this history. 

He was born in 1828 and lived with his father until 
1846, at which period his father died. He was then 18 
years of age. He farmed for two years and then engaged 
as hand on board of Captain Elijah Taylor's vessel, which 
engagement lasted two or three years, during which time 
he married Captain Taylor's oldest daughter. 

After this he engaged in partnership with his brother, 
W. J. S. Clarke, in the vessel business, and they owned sev- 
eral vessels together. This firm continued, when they 
entered into the steam mill, Marine railway and ship 
building business, finally ending in their large transactions. 
He has served one term, and is at present on his second, 
as commissioner of the county, with great acceptability. 
Above all he is recognized as a good and honest man. 

He owns ten or twelve hundred acres of land, eight or 
ten houses and lots. 

Captain Clarke has been an acceptable member of the 
Methodist Episcopal Church, in Pocomoke City, for many 
years, has been twice married; has eight children, five by 
his first wife and three by his second. He is now fifty-two 
or three years of age, in the prime of his strong man- 
hood, with the prospects of the future looming up brightly 
before him. His oldest son, William E. Clarke, is a whole- 
sale dry goods merchant in the City of Baltimore, and as 
he is a native of this place, and as it was here that he 
received his first business ideas, it is but right and proper 
that his history should be known. He was born on the 
20th day of March, 1851. After receiving such an educa- 
tion as he was able to get here, he was taken at the age of 
12 years into the store of his uncle, W. J. S. Clarke, where 
he remained three or four years, during which time he was 
thoroughly drilled by his sagacious uncle, whose business 
ability is proverbial. 

At the age of 15 or 16 years his uncle, seeing he had 
great business qualifications beginning to develop them- 
selves, took him to Baltimore and placed him with that 
popular and well-known house, Hurst, Purnell & Co., 
where he arose step by step from office boy to book- 
keeper, and has been for several years a partner in that 
gigantic establishment. 

Mr. Clarke is quite popular, and as a recognition of that 
fact, a new steamboat, which was built by Hall, Bro. & Co. 
and Clarke & Co., which cost $25,000, which has just 
made its first trip and which will ply between this place 
and the various tributaries of the Chesapeake Bay, has 
been named after him. William E. Clarke is recognized 
by all as one of the leading business men of the Monu- 
mental City. He is 31 years of age, is scarcely in the 
prime of life, with success and emolument knocking at 
his door. 


Saturday, February 24, 2024

When Pocomoke Was Young- A continuing weekly feature.


(Chapter flow:)




















Note:  In duplicating this material for publishing on The Pocomoke Public Eye we have made minor adjustments to correct some of the spelling, punctuation, etc. We believe the errors were not in Rev. Murray's original writing but occurred in the process of formatting the material to a digital format for viewing online.


The shipbuilding, steam milling- and marine railway 
business is carried on quite extensively in Pocomoke City. 
Shipbuilding has been carried on in New Town from time 
immemorial, but the steam milling and marine railway 
business is of more recent date. 

The first steam mill ever erected in New Town was by 
a man by the name of Hutchinson in 1839. This mill was 
employed at first to make shingles, but afterwards turned 
into a saw mill. 

It was severally owned by Hutchinson, Dr. Geo. S. D. 
Shipley, Ricaud, then E. S. Young and Geo. Blades, 
under the firm of Young & Blades, then E. S. Young and 
and James H. Young, under the firm of Young & Brother, 
then Capt. James T. Young by himself, who carried on 
the business until 1866, when he sold out to Polk & Powell. 
They conducted the business about ten years, when they 
sold out to James T. Young and Lewis W. Young, doing 
business under the firm of Young & Brother. Finally 
James T. Young bought out his brother Lewis, and is now 
conducting the business by himself. 

I have been thus explicit in running out the history 
of this mill simply because it was the first ever established 
in New Town. 

But the year I844 was marked as the beginning of a 
series of successes unprecedented in the history of New 
Town. The circumstances which brought them about 
were as follows: During that year Ezra B. Risley hap- 
pened to be in a certain port in the State of New jersey, 
when a vessel loaded with cypress fence rails arrived- He 
saw the rails and enquired where they were from, etc. 
The cargo of rails belonged to Jas. Daugherty and Levin 
P. Bowland. In this case, like thousands of others, the 
door of wealth was opened by the merest accident, and 
the old adage holds good, "one sows and another reaps." 
In as short a time as possible alter this two strangers were 
seen in New Town; no one knew who they were or what 
was their business. They prospected awhile in the cypress 
swamps, made some purchases and went away. The 
strangers proved to be John Ashcraft and Ezra B. Risley. 
During the next year, 1845, they established a large steam 
saw mill at Harry Henderson's landing, the place now 
owned by Littleton Waters. Here they commenced 
operations. They brought down Jersey wood choppers and 
employed our own men also. Like an electric shock, 
they aroused the citizens of New Town and the entire 
surrounding country to the idea of business which has 
never died out. They infused a spirit of industry and 
enterprise in all, from the day laborer to the merchant 
behind the counter and the farmer at the plow. They 
raised the price of labor, paid their employees the money 
for their work, and produced an entire revolution in busi- 
ness life. 

They engaged in ship building also, and built some 
large sea vessels. They purchased all the cypress swamps 
below New Town, and sent to market all their timber and 
lumber in their own vessels, which they built. They 
operated about twenty years, made about $15o;ooo and 

With them originated, in a great measure, if not entirely, 
the practical idea of the steam mill business in this sec- 
tion of country. 

In 1854, John W. Quinn, Jas. Murray and John Ashcraft 
established a steam saw mill in New Town. In 1855, 
Murray sold out his interest in the mill to Nicholas N. 
Bosley; the mill now being run by the firm of Quinn, 
Bosley and Ashcraft. This firm continued two years, when 
they sold out to Thomas W. Hargis and Ambrose Dixon, 
doing business under the firm of Hargis & Dixon. They 
continued two years and then sold out to Captain H. H. 
Husted. Captain Husted conducted the business three 
years, when in 1862 he sold out to Captain James H. 
Young; Captain Young, having already a fine mill, bought 
this mill of Captain Husted to get it out of his way. 

As history is always repeating itself I wish to present to 
the reader a case illustrative of the fact, in which we have 
an example of one, who, from the poorest walks of life 
has attained, by hard work and good management to the 
position of wealth and independence. 

I allude to Captain James H. Young, who, I am sure 
will not take exceptions to this statement, for he takes a 
pride in the knowledge of the fact that he has made his 
mark in the world. While he seems to say to the youth 
of the present day, by his independent step as he walks 
the streets: boys go work as I have done and take care of 
your labor, and when you get old you will have something 
to lean upon. 

Captain Young's father died quite a young man, and 
left a widow and three children to support themselves as 
best they could. It is true they had a little home but it 
was merely a staying place. 

The mother and elder son Edward would work at any- 
thing they could get to do. She at the spinning wheel, 
hoeing corn, and sometimes in the fodder field saving 
fodder at twenty-five cents per day, and he tending the 
gardens in town and working on the farms for twelve and 
a half cents per day. 

After a while James grew old enough to work, also, and 
would work, sometimes, for five cents per day. At the 
age of sixteen he was put to the tailoring business; he 
continued at the trade two years, when his future pros- 
pects seemed to be beclouded, and as sitting on the board 
did not agree with him, he concluded to make a change. 
At the age of eighteen, he engaged with Captain James 
Riggin as cook on board a small vessel, similar to that of 
a ship's long boat, at four dollars per month. 

This was the day of small things, but it was the begin- 
ning of a successful course of life. At this period he was 
very destitute of clothing; he had saved, however, as he 
thought, three months wages with which he intended to 
clothe himself. When lo! the tailor with whom he had 
been living, had by some means collected his wages, and 
he was still left destitute. This was a terrible blow to the 
little fellow, for he was very small for his age, however he 
continued persevering and became a hand before the mast, 
in the bay and coasting trade. Some time after his 
maturity, by his industrious habits and temperate course 
of life, he won the respect and sympathy of John U. 
Dennis, who one day told Captain Young that he ought 
to buy a vessel or part of one. Captain replied that he 
was not able. Mr. Dennis told him that he would make 
him able, he would lend him the money, and did so. 
Captain Young then joined Thomas W. Hargis in the pur- 
chase of a schooner. Mr. Hargis at that time was keeping 
store at Wagram, Accomac County, Va. How long this 
partnership lasted I cannot tell, but after their dissolution 
he joined Col. Wm. H. Merrill in a schooner called the 
Sarah Ellen. Finally he bought out Col. Merrill and run 
the vessel in his own name until 1854, when he engaged in 
the steam mill business. 

Although Capt. Young had made up to this time $8,000 
or $10,000, yet here was the gold mine which he struck. 
The first few years of his milling life, however, were not 
so successful, but after the war commenced the tide of 
success set in, and money poured in upon him like a 

In 1866, after making money enough to satisfy his 
ambition, he sold out to Polk & Powell, as before stated, 
and retired. 

In making a few desultory remarks relating to Capt. 
Young, I will say he has been a great worker and has had 
a constitution to stand it. He has been unyielding in his 
perseverance until the prize was gained. 

There is one feature of his business life which is spe- 
cially worthy of record, and that was, Captain Young 
never did business on the Sabbath day. This is worthy 
of all praise and should be an example to other business 
men to act likewise. He owns ten farms aggregating two 
thousand acres of land, which cost him between forty and 
fifty thousand dollars, he also owns about twenty houses 
and lots, some of them valuable ones, besides his private 
securities and other personal property. 

Captain Young has been a member of the Methodist 
Protestant Church, in Pocomoke City, for many years, has 
been twice married; has eight children living, four by 
each wife. He is now living in a green old age at about 
three score and ten years, and looks back upon his life- 
work as master of the situation.