Friday, May 4, 2012

Ava's Law Passes

OCEAN CITY: Ava's Law passes General Assembly
Written by
Scott Muska
Staff Writer
OCEAN CITY — State legislators have passed Ava’s Law, a bill that will enact harsher penalties for people who are driving under the influence of drugs and cause a life-threatening crash, making them parallel with driving under the influence of alcohol punishments.

For either offense, the maximum penalty is three years imprisonment, a $5,000 fine or both.

The sponsors called it Ava's Law, for Ava DelRicco, a one-year-old girl who was critically injured along with her in a Dec. 16 Coastal Highway car crash when Andre James Kaczynski of Ocean Pines caused the wreck while high on PCP. The incident was the catalyst for Worcester County State's Attorney, Beau Oglesby, to contact McDermott and Sen. Jim Mathias, D-38-Worcester about what an effort for a law change would entail.


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